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What is a hernia ?

It's rather simple.  A hernia is a hole or a 'weak' area, usually in the abdominal wall, that allows things to bulge through. The bulging bit is commonly called a hernia.  Any thing that raises pressure in the abdomen will make this worse.  Many types of hernia occur. The term is used medically to describe any tissue that bulges somewhere it should not be.

Why did I get a hernia ?

This depends on the type of hernia. For example a groin hernia typically appears in males because the testes leave a weak area.  Heavy work or lifting and a family history make this worse.

A hernia can appear after any abdominal incision due to weakening of the scar and poor healing. 

Heavy work, straining, a chronic cough increase intra abdominal pressure and contribute.

Will it go away ?

The hole in muscle layer allows the sac & bowel to bulge out.

No.  This is a physical problem, like a blow out in a car tyre and will not repair itself. However not all hernia need to be fixed.

Can children get a hernia ?

Hernia occur in all ages, both sexes and even your dog can get a hernia. New born boys commonly have a persistent tract where the testes travelled through the groin. Belly button or umbilical hernia are also common in children and may not need repair.

I am too old to get a hernia 

Some hernia are more common in older people. This is due to tissue becoming weaker with age and years of 'use'.

Why are hernia different in men & women ?

Groin hernia are largely related to the presence of testes, so these hernia are more common in men. Femoral hernia are more common in women. Other types of hernia occur equally in men and women.

Is hernia size an issue ?

Size is important. However even small hernia can cause symptoms and get something stuck in them. Interestly a large hernia with a big opening may have less risk of something getting stuck.  

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